The Inter-Congregational Institute (ICI) is a formation community and an institute of philosophy, Human science and religious Studies founded in 1986 by AMRIM (The Association Of Men Religious in Malawi) which is under the jurisdiction of the Epescopal Conference of Malawi (ECM). It was estalished to provide formation for candidates for Religious and Missionary Societies in Malawi.

Presently, the institute functions as a consortium of five Congregation namely: Discalced Carmelites (OCD), Comboni Missionaries (MCCJ), Spiritan Missionaries(CSSp), Montfort Missionaries(SMM), and Missionaries of Africa(M.Afr). Other religous congregation such as the Poverelle and Sacramentine Sisters have joined as associated members. We hope more female congregations will join, taking the advantage of the full fledged programme of diploma in philosophy and religious studies and a Certificate in religious Studies and a Certificate in religious studies the institute offers.

