All school fees must be conclusively paid by mid-semester.

the assessment of the student’ work shall be done on the basis of the percentage marks, The pass mark in all units shall be 50% of the full marks.

all units shall be assessed as follows:

Continuous Assessment (CA) in various forms, which accounts for 40% of the total marks.

all continuous assessment (of any form ) shall be concluded in the last week of the mid-semester exams period specified in the academic calendar

Written assignments shall be between three to five pages of the actual text. The maximum five pages are meant to for group work of around five students. Written assignment shall based on these page settings: Margins; top=3 cm, Bottom=2.5 cm, Font Type=New Times Roman, Font Size=12, Line spacing=1.5cm.

Due to their unfamiliarity with the ICI recommended methodology requirements, first year students shall not be required to write a research paper in the first semester, however they can be given other forms of assignments that do not require ICI methodology.

End of semester written examination , which accounts for 60% of the total mark.

research (theisis) proposal shall be submitted, marked and the result known to student before long holidays.

Late or no submission of written assignment shall invite penalty. there shall be three days allowance for delayed submission, however, each day shall invite a deduction of one mark from the paper. After third day, no delayed submission shall be accepted. Zero mark shall be recorded to a paper that has no been submitted.