It is the responsibility of all students to act ethically and to conduct theselves as students of a religious institution.

ICI being under the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, demands that students are bound by the directives given in the rule oflife for major seminarians, especially the following

Relations within the institute Community

Priesthood or religious life is common goal towards which the students move as members of one community. Every student, then, should play an attentive and active role in community life. He should be willing to give up his own pereference and even when necessary , personal advantages.

The spirit of charity and brotherhood should reign between staff and students. The concern of both should be to maintain a spirit of openness, dialogue, mutual respect and understanding. Desctructive critism should be avoided as destriment to the archieving of the aim of the institute.

Among student themselves there should exist a spirit of consideration for one another, an avoidance of “cliques” – particularly those based on the congregational, tribal, national or linguistic affiliations. There should be a concern for the good name of other by refraining from backbiting, a readness to put the interest of others before one’s own in such activities as sports, team tasks and general activities. This spirit is manifested in daily contact with others through good manners, punctuality, respect for others, need of silence and privacy and other forms of courtesy.

The institute employee should also be shown respect, gratitude and understanding. Proper channel for airing concerns of complaints must always be used.

Relations Beyond the Institute Community

he institute provide many opportunities for students to develop basis virtue of prudence and temperance that will stand by them in their future work. In visits outside the institute, on business, shopping in town or visiting their home during holiday, students are expected to behave like future priests, brothers sisters or responsible lay-people.

Students are not encouraged to consume beer or other alcoholic drinks within or outside the institute.

Students are encouraged to dress decently.


The official language of communication everywhere and at all time in campus is English, except when another language is part of the programme.

Students with specific grievances should channel them through the class monitor or students’ Dean who will report to the rector or the vice rector (Dean of Studies).

All building of the institute are no smoking areas.

The use of cell phones and similar gadgets are strictly prohibited in class rooms, library and chapel.

All cell phone should be switched off during meetings and other gatherings and functions of the institute at which their ringing might cause disturbance.

Absence in a classroom shall require a report from the community superior or guarding to the dean of studies, who in turn shall inform the lectures concerned. Off campus students shall report directly to the dean of studies. A prolonged absence beyond two weeks need permission from the dean of studies. Failure to do so may lead to academic sanctions.

A student who misses nine hours of class shall not sit for the exam of that particular course.

Students are responsible for school properties; they are bound to report any damages to the proper authorities as soon as possible.

Students must follow the guidelines for the use of the library of the institute.