Semester: The first semester if from mid-august to the third week of December (note: Christmas break). The second semester is from January to may (Easter break).

The semester/credit system is used in order to accommodate more courses. a credit is defined as one contact hour per week, resulting in a fifteen contact hours per semester. A unit is equivalent to two or three credits,meaning two or three contact hours per week amounting to thirty or forty five contact hours per semester.

For the bachelor of Arts Degree in philosophy, as agreed between ICI and CUNIMA, students are offered approved combinations of courses without any choice.

For the CUNIMA diploma in philosophy , students are required to do all the courses of the degree programme. However they are exempted from doing part two ig all courses that have part one and part two.

For ICI diploma in philosophy and religious studies , students are required to do all the courses for the degree programme together with the compulsory religious courses (Liturgy Old Testament, New Testament and catechisis).

Each congregation , order or apostolic society can choose any number of courses desired to enable students cater for the specific needs and interests of their order or congregation. These are referred to as optional courses(Spirituality, Religious life and french).

Students who are not opting for religious life are free to take these course of not . Each student is required to take a minimum of seven units and a maximum of ten units per semester and his includes repeating courses.

the specific courses of critical thinking and social teachings of the church are compulsory for all students of ICI with the exception of free auditors.

The methodology course is to be done by all new students.

Class attendance

  1. A students can be late for class for five minutes, after which the lecture can decide what to do.
  2. A lecture can be late for class for ten minutes, after which students are free to go for personal studies.